College of Life holds 2024 Master's Degree Conferral Ceremony


On June 22, 2024, the 2024 Master's Degree Conferment Ceremony of the School of Life was held in the Science Hall of Chaoyang Campus. Academician Tan Tianwei, President of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), Prof. Gan Zhihua, Vice President, Prof. Tong Yigang, Dean of the College of Life, and Profs. Jia Mengqiu, Qiao Renzhong and Zheng Guojun attended the ceremony and took their seats on the podium. Also attending the ceremony were members of the Degree Evaluation Committee, graduate student supervisors, graduates and their families, totaling more than 280 people. Prof. Cao Hui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Life, presided over the ceremony.

The Degree Conferment Ceremony began with the solemn national anthem.

First, the host, Prof. Cao Hui, warmly welcomed the whole audience and asked Dean Tong Yigang to send a message to the graduates. In his speech, Mr. Tong Yigang, under the title of "Don't make trouble, don't be afraid of trouble, be able to deal with trouble, do practical things", expressed four earnest wishes to the graduate students: First, they should have the ability of self-restraint, be careful with their words and behavior, keep a good control of themselves, learn to respect others, abide by the rules, and integrate into the team and the society in a harmonious manner; second, they should have the spirit of not being afraid of trouble, dare to struggle, and be good at struggling. Dare to struggle, good at struggling, to put down the burden, struggle with all your might; Third, have the ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, learn how to get along with others, fully mobilize the team enthusiasm; Fourth, to do things well, you need to start from the simplest things, work never be afraid of suffering, there is a job is a rare opportunity to exercise, and at the same time to be innovative, not to stick to the old ways. Tong Yigang said fondly: "Young people should have a great swan ambition, when riding a steed on the Pingchuan River", and hoped that students in the future, not forgetting the original intention, and create another brilliant.

As the representative of graduate student instructors, Prof. Shen Xiaolin expressed encouragement to the fellow graduates. He hoped that they would make persistent efforts and create more achievements in the future.

As the representative of the graduates, 2024 master's degree student Go Zhanyi said that the three years of mentors' teaching, the support and encouragement of his family supported him to continue to pursue knowledge and explore the unknown, and his full of gratitude overflows in his words, which is touching to the depths of his heart. At the same time, he issued an initiative to all the graduates: after graduation, they should maintain the desire for knowledge and love of life, constantly pursue excellence, and take this graduation as a new starting point to continue to move forward on the journey of life.

Jia Mengqiu read out the list of outstanding master's degree thesis recipients, a total of 7 people won the outstanding master's degree thesis, namely: Dong Yuqi, majoring in bioengineering, Wang Mingxia, majoring in pharmacy, Zhang Yahan, Go Zhanyi, Liu Yuchong and Liu Ke, majoring in light industry technology and engineering, and Yang Jiayu, majoring in biology and medicine. Tan Tianwei and Gan Zhihua presented certificates to the excellent master's degree thesis recipients, and the whole audience expressed their congratulations to them with warm applause.

Tong Yigang read out the list of master's degree recipients, which were: 20 people, including Li Jiaxiao and Zhao Linfangfei, majored in chemistry and engineering technology; 29 people, including Anna and Long Jianyu, majored in bioengineering; 25 people, including Qiu Mengfei and Liu Susu, majored in pharmacy; 16 people, including Tao Kang and Gu Renji, majored in light engineering technology and engineering; and 80 people, including Wang Lijuan and Deng Wenlei, majored in biology and pharmaceuticals. Mr. Tan Tianwei and Mr. Gan Zhihua presented the degree certificates to the master's degree recipients and rattled the spikes. The master's degree graduates went up to the stage one by one in the melodious music, received the certificates, completed the tasseling and took a group photo.

At the initiative of Cao Hui, the whole audience once again congratulated the master's degree recipients with warm applause and wished all the master's degree graduates even better achievements in their future work and study. The Master's Degree Conferment Ceremony of the College of Life ended successfully in the school song. After the ceremony, everyone went to the statue of Alma Mater's Light to take a group photo, and the scene was full of joy and warmth.

(Written by: Jingjing Wen, Ningjie Deng)